Friday, December 18, 2015

Winter Health


With cold and flu season upon us, I’d like review the guidelines on when to keep you child home from school.  Please keep your child home if she/he has any of the following symptoms:

     1) A temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher

     2)      A persistent cough or persistent cold symptoms (frequent sneezing, large amounts of nasal mucous)

     3)      Vomiting or diarrhea within the past 24 hours

4)     Unidentifiable rash

5)      Red, itchy eyes with drainage (conjunctivitis or “pink eye”)

6)      A contagious illness, i.e. Chicken Pox or Strep Throat

7)      Live head lice (Student may return to school after lice have been treated)

It’s also important to remember that there are steps we can all take to prevent getting sick.  Some of the best ways to avoid getting sick are also the most basic.  These include:

Hand Washing

Using good cough and sneeze etiquette

Getting adequate sleep every night

Drinking plenty of water

Getting a flu shot

Eating nutritious foods

Getting plenty of exercise, and

Getting outside for fresh air

 By the way, these tips are as important for adults as they are for children!   
I'll be adding more detailed information on ways to stay healthy in 2016.  Stay tuned....
  Have a peaceful holiday break and a healthy new year!
Nurse Wendy