Tuesday, October 20, 2015



Hearing and vision, and growth screenings will be taking place here at Fall Brook next week.  Students in every grade will be coming to the health office for vision screening.  Students in Grades K-3 will also have their hearing screened.  Students in grades 1 and 4 will have their heights and weights, and body mass index (BMI) measured as well.  Since these screenings are mandated by Massachusetts State law, students will be screened unless a parent/ guardian sends in a written request indicating that they do not wish for their child to participate.

Screening tests are not diagnostic. They are designed simply to identify students who may need further evaluation.  Students who do not pass hearing and/or vision screenings will be screened again within 2 weeks.  Letters will be sent home to notify families if students do pass the second screening.  Letters will also be sent home if your child’s BMI falls outside of the 5th and 85th percentiles. 

If your student wears glasses, please make sure he/she has them available to wear for vision screening.  Similarly, if your child has been seen by a hearing specialist, please let me know.  And as always, if you have any questions or concerns about screenings, don't hesitate to contact me

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