Tuesday, October 13, 2015


Image result for healthy kids medication clip art

Welcome to the first post of the FB School Nurse News Blog.  I'm creating this blog as a resource for our Fall Brook community.  I'll be posting health information, updates on screenings, and other items that relate to the health and safety of our students and staff.  I'm always open to suggestions, so if there are topics you would like learn more about, please let me know!

I'd like to include a few reminders in this first post:

If your child needs to take medication during the school day, I need an order signed by the prescriber (doctor, nurse practitioner, or physician's assistant).  Medication needs to be in its original container with a prescription label.  Medication must be brought in to my office by an adult. 

Students with asthma should have a rescue inhaler and/ or nebulizer available for use at school-just in case.  Ask your child's pediatrician for an "as needed" order and bring in the inhaler or nebulizer solution.  I have a nebulizer machine in my office so your child will need his/her own tubing if a nebulizer treatment is ordered. 

If your child has been prescribed an EpiPen, please be sure to bring an extra set to school along with the prescriber's order. 

I'll be beginning hearing, vision, and BMI screenings at the end of October.  Letters will be sent home to notify families of results that fall outside of the "normal" range. 

Always feel free to contact me if you have any concerns you would like to discuss.
Here's to a great school year!

~Nurse Wendy

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